E is for Energise and Exercise

As a menopause therapist I apply the unique ENJOY (TM) approach.  This phase of your life can last up to 20 years so why not enjoy it?!

E is for energise.  So many women at this stage of their lives talk about being TAT – tired all the time.  The more you exercise the more you build up your stamina and strength.  We all know that exercise is good for our physical, mental and emotional health but we can easily imagine all of the blocks in the way, blocks like:

  • lack of time
  • lack of money
  • pain
  • tiredness
  • low mood

So if you know what you can’t do, start planning the exercise you can do.  Exercise does not have to be something organised that you do at the gym, it can be any way that you speed up your pulse and burn off some calories.  You can:

  • park a bit further from the shop or school 
  • get off the bus one stop earlier
  • take the stairs instead of the elevator,
  • have a walk during your lunch break
  • put on some music and dance while you are cooking
  • exercise your legs by lifting them up and down while watching TV and clap your hands together

One of my favourite ways of fitting in some exercise is using the Wii.  Half an hour of step or Just Dance first thing in the morning sets me up for the day.

So forget your blocks and think about what exercise you could do today.  Anything more than nothing is an improvement and could be the difference that makes the difference.