The N of ENJOY™ is for Nutrition. You are what you eat and this is about discovering the right foods to maintain a healthy weight and control your menopause symptoms.

N for Nutrition
If you are experiencing frequent or intense symptoms you can start by looking at foods that act as triggers. By keeping a food journal you can start to identify triggers.
Common triggers for hot flushes, mood swings and migraines are:
- Red meat
- Spicy foods
- Sugary foods and drinks
- Caffeine
- Chocolate
- Alcohol
You will be amazed how much better feel you feel when you eliminate triggers from your diet.
Then you can look at nutrition that will support your physical and emotional health. Foods that contain phytoestrogens can reduce the experience of hot flashes and aid breast health. These include
- Isoflavines; soya, chickpeas, lentils and kidney beans
- Lignans: linseeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, brown rice, oats, broccoli and carrots
- Coumestans: sprounted mung beans and alfalfa beans
- Omega 3 fatty acids: sardines, mackerel, salmon and linseeds (flaxseeds)
Even if you are eating a healthy, balanced diet you may still need food supplements to help you balance your requirement for vitamins and minerals.
- Vitamin C – aids your immune system and bone health
- Vitamin D – helps to control inflammation, reduce incidence of cancer and has anti-ageing properties
- Calcium Citrate – for healthy bones
- Magnesium – is a muscle relaxant, aids sleep, keeps blood sugar in balance
- Zinc – balances hormones and is useful for weight control
- Chromium = helps to control insulin levels
If you are experiencing frequent and/or intense menopause symptoms, contact me for a free 30 minute consultation about how I could help you.