The E in ENJOY™ stands for Energise. Many women go to see their doctor in their 40s and 50s reporting feeling TATT – Tired all of the time! At this stage of your life you may be dealing with multiple demands on your time, from your job, dealing with children, helping elderly parents and making time for your relationship.
Let’s talk about how exercise and time management can help to energise you

Exercise to Energise
Exercise can boost your energy. Research carried out in Australia found that women in the age range 45 – 60 who exercised two or more times a week reported fewer headaches, felt less tense, tired, and fatigued, and had lower rates of mental symptoms of depression than non-exercisers
Exercise is essential for physical, emotional and mental health. It can:
√ boost your metabolism
√ help to counteract vascular damage/heart disease
√ reduce obesity
√ boost your immune system
√ strengthen your bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis
√ boost motivation
√ reduce the risk of cancer
√ improve your posture—making you look younger
I can almost hear you saying things like: ‘I don’t have enough time to go to the gym’, ‘I have back problems’, and ‘I don’t like seeing myself in my gym gear or swimming costume.’ These are your exercise blockers. Now that you know what your blockers are think about how you can overcome them and create exercise boosters.
- Set exercise goals that you know you can achieve and that fit into your timetable. Plan to achieve them,
- Think about what you can do rather than what you can’t do. If you can’t afford the gym, can you take the dog for a walk? If you can’t exercise for 30 minutes twice a week, can you exercise for 10 minutes every day?
- If planned exercise is a problem, use opportunistic exercise such as parking at the far end of the supermarket car park, getting off the bus a stop earlier and walking further, or walking up the stairs instead of using the lift.
- Do activities that you enjoy such as dancing or walking. Remember, the best exercise is the exercise that you do!
Some time management tips to help you to create the time for exercise or rest:
- Write a ‘To Do’ list for the next day before you go to bed at night. Prioritise the tasks.
- Review the tasks that you do regularly and make a ‘To Don’t’ list. What are you doing that you could stop doing or get someone else to do?
- Learn to say ‘no’ assertively. If someone is asking you to do an additional task that you don’t need, say ‘no’ as soon as possible. It is often easier for people to accept a refusal if they understand the reasons behind it. Don’t keep apologising, you have the right to say ‘no’.
If you are experiencing frequent and/or intense menopause symptoms, contact me for a free 30 minute consultation about how I could help you.