Lift your mood in the Green Therapy Room

Gardens are often referred to as ‘the green gym’ because of the opportunities for healthy exercise out there.  But I also think of it as ‘the green therapy room’.   If I am worried about something or feeling tense, an hour in the garden will always put problems in perspective and lift my mood.

In 2005, 27.7 million antidepressant prescriptions were written in England at a cost of £338 million.  In the same year a group of researchers found that  ‘a supervised programme of exercise can be equally as effective as anti-depressants in treating mild to moderate depression’ (Halliwell, 2005; Richardson…  read more

E is for Energise and Exercise

As a menopause therapist I apply the unique ENJOY (TM) approach.  This phase of your life can last up to 20 years so why not enjoy it?!

E is for energise.  So many women at this stage of their lives talk about being TAT – tired all the time.  The more you exercise the more you build up your stamina and strength.  We all know that exercise is good for our physical, mental and emotional health but we can easily imagine all of the blocks in the way, blocks like:

  • lack of time
  • lack of money
  • pain
  • tiredness
  • low mood

So if you know…  read more

Water – the secret of longevity

by Dr George Grant PhD., IMD

The human body is primarily composed of water. Water is not only beneficial but also vital to life — only oxygen is more important to human survival. Water plays an enormous role in how well our body functions.

Simply put the more fresh water we drink, the healthier we become. Water increases the quality and also the length of our lives! Try to drink the recommended 8 or more glasses of water daily. Here’s how to figure out the right amount of water you need to drink daily to stay completely hydrated.

You need to drink…  read more

Healthy Bones

During my recent visit to Toronto I was delighted to meet Dr George Grant at the Academy of Wellness.  Dr Grant was keen for me to experience the Biofeedback service that he offers so that I would be able to tell other women about it.  I am so pleased that I took up that opportunity.

The process involved holding a metallic cylindrical device in my right hand for a few minutes.  The device uses electro-dermal sensors to measure…  read more

Food for Thought Part 2

Since I wrote my last blog, which outlined foods you could eat to help to lower your risk of breast cancer, women have been asking me if there are any foods or drinks that they should reduce or avoid.

Maintaining a healthy weight is essential for lowering your risk of cancer.  Being overweight significantly increases your risk of developing breast cancer.

The World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) has identified a number of factors that can help to reduce cancer, including breast cancer.  Their recommendations include:

  • Avoiding sugary drinks and foods for example fizzy soft drinks, burgers, milkshakes, breakfast bars, cakes and biscuits
  • Reducing…  read more

Food For Thought

As women, as we get older, we may start to worry about the risk of breast cancer.  The aging process is the biggest risk factor for breast cancer because as we get older our bodies experience more genetic damage and we are less capable of repairing that damage.  However, although 80 per cent of cancers are diagnosed in people over the age of 60, almost 40 per cent of breast cancers are now being diagnosed in younger women.

There are lots of actions you can take to including:

  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Taking regular exercise
  • Limiting alcohol intake
  • Never smoking or quitting smoking and
  • Eating…  read more

Time to ENJOY(TM) Your Menopause

Are you shocked to think that you could ENJOY™ your menopause?  The first time I said this at a seminar, the audience gasped with surprise.  Menopause is a term that is so often whispered because of the negative associations.  So let me explain.

The average age of menopause in the UK and America is 52 and women can start to experience symptoms of hormonal change in their early 40s.  Average life expectancy for women is 82.3 years in the UK and 80.5 years in the US.  Wouldn’t you rather ENJOY™ those 40 years?

The unique ENJOY™ approach that I provide is:

  …  read more

What are the obstacles to your success?

Spoiler alert – there is a very scary picture of me at the end of this blog!

How many times have you set a goal for yourself and been really motivated to start working towards it and then just never got there?  It might be a weight loss goal, or stopping smoking or reducing alcohol or getting more exercise or something else, it doesn’t matter.  What matters is that you really wanted to do it and then it just didn’t happen.

There’s lots of coaching tips that I could give you about this but the most powerful one that I have…  read more

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